Foundation Training

We know that bringing home a dog is exciting! Our goal is to have the training experience be positive, fun, and easy to follow. 

Brought a dog home and feeling completely lost?

Whether you’re…

– starting out with a brand new pup

– heading into the teenage “what is listening?” phase

– brought home a rescue who has *no chill*

… we can help. By using evidence based, positive reinforcement techniques, we can create lasting behaviours with your dog and get you started off on the right paw.

We believe that every dog has the potential to become the best version of themselves with force free training.

We know that nuisance behaviours like chewing, biting, or pulling on the leash are frustrating and can feel embarrassing!

Thankfully, every dog can have the chance to be set up for success in your home and grow into the fluffy sidekick you envisioned.

Connect Package

  • 4 x 45 min 1-1 private sessions
  • Recorded sessions (if done virtually)
  • Resources and handouts
  • Email and text support in between sessions
  • Video review of your training
  • Communication with vet if needed
  • Personalized training plan

Investment: $400+gst

You must have completed an initial consultation before booking a package. You can do so here.

Training can be done virtually over zoom, or in person in the Victoria, BC area.

Bond Package

  • 6 x 45 min 1-1 private sessions
  • Recorded sessions (if done virtually)
  • Resources and handouts
  • Email and text support in between sessions
  • Video review of your training
  • Communication with vet if needed
  • Personalized training plan

Investment: $550+gst

You must have completed an initial consultation before booking a package. You can do so here.

Training can be done virtually over zoom, or in person in the Victoria, BC area.

Book your consultation

What we can work on:

  • Tackle common puppy behaviours such as chewing, biting/teething, potty training and more
  • Jumping on people
  • Not coming when called
  • Counter surfing
  • Pulling on the leash
  • Fear-free nail trims or medication administration
  • Basic manners
  • & more!

I promise to…

  • Never use force, fear, or intimidation to teach your dog
  • Never put your dog into uncomfortable situations
  • Set your dog up success
  • Be inclusive and accessible
  • Treat the human end of the leash with compassion and respect

Not sure yet? Book a discovery call.